FUBUTEC 2014, 10th Future Business Technology Conference, April 28-30, 2014, Novotel, Bruges, Belgium, Exhibition

Conference Exhibition

A special exhibition will be envisaged during the conference focused on business simulation, AI and data mining tools. For more information please contact EUROSIS for further details. (Philippe.Geril@eurosis.org)

A link to the different exhibit formulas can be found here.

Diverse Activities

For demonstrations or video sessions, please contact Philippe Geril. Special sessions can be set up for vendor presentations in co-ordination with the scientific program. User Group meetings for simulation languages and tools can be organised the day before the conference. If you would like to arrange a meeting, please contact the Conference Chairs. We will be happy to provide a meeting room and other necessary equipment.

Partners for projects session(s) will be organised by EUROSIS to give potential project teams or individuals the opportunity to present their research in order to link up with fellow researchers for future research projects. Those wishing to participate in this session need to send a proposal to Philippe Geril. This falls within the scope of the plans for EUROSIS TC's.