April 19-21, 2004 - Huize Corswarem, Hasselt, Belgium

Conference Workshop








Conference Workshop

Knowledge Management in Business Practice. (This workshop will be held on Tuesday, the 20th of April). The rest of the ECEC'2004 - EUROMEDIA programmes can be found following these links. (ECEC-EUROMEDIA)

The workshop as a whole covers all aspects of knowledge management implementation in all kind of business practices. Several short presentations of best practices are planned. We rely upon the input of the participants on point of the experiences and their requirements from business practices. To register for this workshop go to this link.

Workshop Program

Invited Speaker:

Study on market prospects, business needs and technological trends for business knowledge management.
Fanuel Dewever, Consultant Learning & Development , IBM Business Consulting Services

I.                Knowledge  in Knowledge Management

1. The Knowledge Life Cycle and the int. for Solutions
 Michaël Brands, CEO of  i.Know  (

II.             Knowledge- and Technology-Organisation

2. Content Warehouse System LOMS
Ivan Picart of DAM unit LEARNING, Limburgs Universitair Centrum (LUC), (

3. The MPEG21 standard to enable transparent and augmented use of multimedia resources across a wide range of networks and devices
Rik Van de Walle of Multimedia Lab, Ghent University ( )

In parallel to 2 and 3:

4. Dimensional structuring of the data  in a data warehouse: a tutorial
Jeanne Schreurs of DAM unit LEARNING

III.           Business Intelligence and Business Management Support

5. Strategically oriented BSC built on a data warehouse of business data
Rachel Moreau of DAM unit LEARNING

6. Datawarehouse based business reporting
by Ben Van hemeldonck of Realsoftware Houthalen

In parallel to 5 and 6:

7. Building an online internet questionnaire (tutorial)
Dirk Roox of DAM unit LEARNING

IV.             e-learning

8. Intercultural communication for management- Plurilingua. (Multimedia language Cdroms supporting semi-selfinstruction)
Martine Verjans of  Center Language Didactics - Applied Linguistics – CTTL of LUC. (

9. The new Mindmap e-learning concept contrasts with the traditional “web-pages” e-learning concept.
Wim Govaerts of EPYC, Spin off of KULeuven, and Rachel Moreau of DAM unit LEARNING (

10. Life long learning in the ELEARN-ELIVE project
Jan Claes of ALLANTA

11. Corporate e-learning: success stories of tailor-made solutions
Johan Lenssens of Opikanoba, spin off of KULeueven and LUC.
( )

In parallel to 10 and 11:   

12. Structuring of learning content in learning objects: a tutorial
Jeanne Schreurs of DAM unit LEARNING

V.               Datamining

13. Modelling Travel Behaviour using Datamining
Geert Wets of Institute of mobility IMOB of LUC

14. Experiences of Datamining
Danny Van Welden of Department of Applied Mathematics, Biometrics and Process Control of Ghent University

VI.             KMO’s  en innovatieprojecten (in Dutch) SME'S and Innovative Projects

15. Ondersteuning door IWT via verschillende subsidiemogelijkheden
Bruno Krekels  Scientific Advisor IWT, (


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