The 4th annual Pan-Arabic Simulation and AI in Computer Games Conference
Arab Open University
Muscat, Oman
February 3-5, 2014
For latest information see:
Dear Colleague,
This is a reminder that the submission period for GAMEON-ARABIA'2014 has started NOVEMBER 1ST and ends NOVEMBER 25TH for late submissions.
The tutorial for GAMEON-ARABIA'2014 is on Games using HTML, HTML5, CSS and Javascript and will be given by Basim Assaf.
More info will be available soon.
A quick reminder of the tracks and workshops for GAMEON-ARABIA'2014
[ ] Games Development Methodology
[ ] Game Theory - Multi-Agent Systems
[ ] Artificial Intelligence
[ ] Learning and Adaptation
[ ] Intelligent/Knowledgeable Agents
[ ] Collaboration & Multi-agent Systems
[ ] Opponent Modelling
[ ] Physics and Simulation/Graphical Simulation
[ ] 3D Scalability
[ ] Facial, Avatar, NPC, 3D in Game Animation
[ ] AI and Simulation Tools for games design
[ ] Game Design
[ ] Rendering Techniques
[ ] Voice Interaction
[ ] Artistic input to game and character design
[ ] Affective Computing
[ ] Storytelling and Natural Language Processing
[ ] Online Gaming - Security Issues in Online Gaming
[ ] MMOG's
[ ] Serious gaming
[ ] Wargaming Aerospace Simulations, Board Games etc....
[ ] Games for training
[ ] Games Applications in education, Government, health, Corporate...
[ ] Games Consoles
[ ] Games Console Design
[ ] Mobile Gaming
[ ] Perceptual User Interfaces for Games
[ ] Poster Session
[ ] Student Session
[ ] Tutorials
[ ] Exhibition
Conference Committee
General Conference Chair
Prof. Dr Marwan Al-Akaidi, Vice-Rector Academic Affairs, AOU, Kuwait
Local Chair
Dr. Moosa Al-Kindi, AOU, Faculty of Computer Studies, Muscat, Oman
Local Committee
Dr. Youssef Saad Takrooni, AOU, Faculty of Computer Studies, Muscat, Oman
Dr.Ahmed Al Namany, Modern College, Oman
Prof. Hadj Bourdoucen, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
Dr. Ahmed Al Kindi, Nizwa University, Oman
Dr.Saqiq Ali, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
Dr. Fatma Al-Abri, Higher College of Technology, Oman
Dr. Maryam Abdullah Al Awadi, Salalah College of Technology
Dr.Nabil Sahli GuTech, Oman
Mr.Arun N.S, Middle East College, Oman
Mr. Salim Al Amri, Salalah College of Technology
Mr.Talib Al Mahruqi, Nizwa College of Technology
Mr. Raja Waseem Anwar, AOU, Faculty of Computer Studies, Muscat, Oman
Mr. Sherimon P.C., AOU, Faculty of Computer Studies, Muscat, Oman
Mrs. Farah Abu Shahla, AOU, Faculty of Computer Studies, Muscat, Oman
Mrs. Sumitra Sirinvas, AOU, Faculty of Computer Studies, Muscat, Oman
Dr.Laila Lakhoua, AOU, Oman
Mr.Rengarajan Veerswamy, AOU, Oman
Dr.Hamed Al Ghafri, AOU, Oman
International Programme Committee
Marco Block-Berlitz, Mediadesign Hochschule in Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Tony Brooks, Aalborg University Esbjerg, Esbjerg, Denmark
Muhannad M. Ebwini, gate2play, Amman, Jordan
Eva Hudlicka, Psychometrix Associates, Blacksburg, VA, USA
Pieter Jorissen, Karel de Grote Hogeschool, Hoboken, Belgium
Jens Lichtenberg, Ohio University, Athens, USA
Ian M Marshall, Coventry University, Coventry, United Kingdom
Joseph M. Saur, GTRI, Joint Systems Integration Center, USA
Muhannad Taslaq, Mixed Dimensions, Amman, Jordan
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"The European Multidisciplinary Society for Modelling and Simulation Technology" |
Philippe Geril
European Simulation Office
Greenbridge Science Park
Ghent University - Ostend Campus
Wetenschapspark 1
Plassendale 1
B-8400 Ostend
Tel: +
Fax: +32.59.255339
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