During the last decades several research groups developed mathematical models with increasing relevance for practical application in the food industry. The next step is to implement these models into both R&D and process operation in the industry. In doing this, new issues arise such as standardisation and coupling of different simulation models
The FOODSIM conference, conceived in 2000 by a team of five Professors from ENITIAA (Daniel Thiel, Jean-Yves Monteau, Lionel Boilleraux, Dominique Della Valle and Michel Havet ) in cooperation with the European Simulation Office, brings together model developers, food experts and (potential) industrial users of model simulation tools. The conference presents the state-of-the-art in using computer models in development and operation of food products. Special attention is given to the industrial implementation, use and benefits. From its start in the year 2000 the event has become the pivotal event on food and food safety simulation and modelling.
One of the results of the FOODSIM conferences has been the establishment of a COST proposal on Modelling and Simulation in the Food and Bio-industries. A copy of the proposal, which can also be found under projects can be downloaded here.
Text Book
Textbook on Quantitative Tools for Sustainable Food and Energy in the food chain |
Journal Publication
For FOODSIM from 2014 onwards, selected FOODSIM papers will be published in the Elsevier journal Food Research International. - ISSN:0963-9969 (Impact factor 3) |
Video presentations
Videos of 48 FOODSIM'2020 presentations are now available here.
FOODSIM'2026, April, 2026, University of Leuven/Campus Ghent, Ghent, Belgium
- FOODSIM'2026, April April, 2026, University of Leuven/Campus Ghent, Ghent, Belgium
- Call for Papers
Text Format Pdf Format - Not yet linked
- Call for Papers
- FOODSIM'2024, April April 7-11, 2024, University of Leuven/Campus Ghent, Ghent, Belgium
- Best Paper -not yet linked
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings not yet linked
- Wish you were here not yet linked
- FOODSIM'2022, April 3-6, 2022, University of Leuven/Campus Ghent, Ghent, Belgium
- FOODSIM'2020, September 5-9, 2020, University of Leuven/Campus Ghent, Ghent, Belgium
- FOODSIM'2018, April 8-12, 2018, University of Leuven/Campus Ghent, Ghent, Belgium
- Best Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here not yet linked
- FOODSIM'2016, April 3-7, 2016, Catholic University of Leuven, Ghent, Belgium
- Best Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here not yet linked
- FOODSIM'2014, June 23-25, 2014, Oceanopolis, Brest, FranceĀ
- Best Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here not yet linked
- FOODSIM'2012, June 18-20, 2012, Fraunhofer Institute of Technology, Weihenstephan, Germany.
- Best Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here not yet linked
- FOODSIM'2010, June 24-26, 2010, CIMO Research Centre, Braganza, Portugal.
- Best Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here (Thanks Ursula Barron)
- FOODSIM'2008, June 26-28, 2008, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
- Best Paper and Best Student Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here Thanks Enda Cummins
- FOODSIM2006, June 15-17, 2006, University of Naples Federico II, Napels, Italy.
- Best Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here
- FOODSIM2004, June 16-18, 2004, WICC-WIR, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
- Best Paper
- Conference Final Programme
- Proceedings and free electronic version
- Wish you were here
- FOODSIM'2002, June 17-18, 2002, Blarney Park Hotel, Blarney-Cork, Ireland
- Proceedings FREE for download
- FOODSIM'2000, June 26-27, 2000, ENITIAA, Nantes, France
Not yet linked
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Sponsors of FOODSIM conferences (past and present)
Computer Simulation Links
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